Wednesday, April 23, 2014

And So It Begins.......

Richard Kendrick Moon was born on March 13, 1950. He had a normal upbringing and was liked by everyone. One person on Facebook has described teenage Rich as, "having it all: looks, brains, athleticism, and popularity". Rich was well-liked by all and there wasn't anything about him that would cite trouble down the road or raise any red flags. My dad met Rich after high school, each were around 18 or 19 years old. They were working the same summer job unloading boxes for Williams Shoe Co. My dad described him as being "a nice, normal guy who did not stick out in the least". They parted ways when summer ended and my dad joined the Air Force. It wasn't until after he returned from Vietnam that he saw Rich again, only this time it was a much different version. Rich was not the same guy that my dad had remembered; his hair had grown long and scraggly. Rich's overall appearance would best be described as unkempt and this was not even 10 years after they had worked together as teenagers.  My dad became reacquainted with Rich as everyone else saw him now, endlessly walking around Portsmouth, always alone, always as if he were on a journey whose destination only he knew. While walking down the street is how you will usually see Rich occasionally he could be seen having emphatic conversations with no one but himself. Add up all of the evidence and you might jump to the conclusion that Rich Moon was simply an undiagnosed paranoid schizophrenic. You know what they say about those who assume.... By the time I realized that Rich was a semi-permanent fixture on the streets of Portsmouth I thought that he was a homeless man who had nowhere to go. A while later I was told the urban legend about Rich that had spread through Portsmouth for years. Rich Moon was not a man suffering from mental illness, nor was he homeless. The story was that Rich had ingested an incredible amount of acid that he had on his person to avoid going to jail and it had forever altered his brain. What? That tale sounds like something you would hear in a health class to keep you scared straight from the dangers of illegal substances. But wait, it couldn't actually be true? Or could it.......


  1. Not true about the LSD being an issue. An LSD psychosis is temporary. Look it up. Schizophrenia is usually genetic and triggered at an early age, usually the early 20’s, by a significant emotional or stressful event. Not saying he is but just sayin’. He really manages fine in society and walking makes him physically, mentally and emotionally healthy. I’ve known him since 1970 when I met him at Steve Adam’s pad on Offnere St., above a bar. The best thing we can do is treat him like he is normal. What I mean is to treat him the way we want to be treated. I love his music. He imitates nobody. He deals with life on life’s terms the best way he can. I met a woman who knew him in high school and she said all the girls loved him. Rich is fine. He is an integral part of Scioto County’s society. He’s unbelievably talented cognitively and musically.

  2. If people would just TREAT "everyone" like they would LIKE to be "treated."
    Can you IMAGINE what the future of the city, state, country & even the WORLD, would be like ?

  3. My dad was friends with him in his younger years and he used to tell me about all the drug related stories he had with Rich Moon.

  4. I used to live next to him on waller st old apts back when i was akid and u can see him out every weare walking along the st of portsmouth ohio we r praying for him to make it prayers for him get better soon amen ur life long friends hear in portsmouth some gave him the nic name of long hair hippy

  5. Did he have kids of his owen did they find out who may have did this prayers for mr moon get well soon amen
